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How to get 360 waves? Wave Routine

Guide to getting waves

Take care of your hair!
What are waves?
1 - Start your training
Essential for starting waves
Your hairdresser
Choose your shampoo wisely
How to wash your waves?
Dry or dandruff hair symptom
How to moisturize your hair naturally?
How to eliminate split ends?
To avoid

Take care of your hair!

The aim of this article is not only to help you get those shiny waves, but also to help you take charge of managing your hair completely.

The first thing to do to take care of your hair is to keep it clean!

I particularly emphasize this point. If you're letting dirt and grime build up in your hair, you might as well not try to make waves. If your hair is dirty, you're going to be miserable, your scalp is going to itch, and you're going to hate life.

If you have a natural problem like psoriasis or dry scalp, we can combat it.

However, if you're the type of person who doesn't wash that hair... I want you to go to the local supermarket right now, get some shampoos, take a shower, wash your hair, then go back read the rest of this guide.

What are waves?

It's a given that you know what waves look like, but the unsure or uninitiated may not realize what actually constitutes those hot, swirling waves.

Men whose hair texture is considered curly to extremely curly are prime candidates. Many men choose to keep their hair very short to address their natural hair texture, but for those looking to develop a sleek appearance, very curly hair has the ability to develop an unhooked wave pattern.

As people vary from one to another, so does hair texture. You may even have noticed that members of your own family may have darker, shinier, thicker, or curlier hair than you do. This being the case, you may need to adjust your training routine over the next few weeks as you notice your wave profile changing.

Essential for starting waves

Of course you want to know how to get 360 waves immediately, but don't jump the gun. You don't start with the style itself, you start with choosing the right tools. First of all, you need to get yourself a du-rag .

Then, get a quality brush. There are different types of brushes that you can use depending on the length of your hair. A Medium brush will do the trick to get your first waves.

Then you will need a natural butter, we strongly advise against ointments based on chemical products as these can damage your scalp. (oil etc...)

Our butters are 100% natural, made in an artisanal manner directly from the Ivory Coast.

Your hairdresser

Another critical factor to add to the success of waves is the length and texture of the hair. Even though this is a rather short haircut, don't make it less than 1.5cm long, as the waves probably won't be able to form. However, hair that is too long is also doomed to failure because it takes longer to form waves (hair that is too long will have more difficulty relaxing and therefore forming your waves).

Tell your stylist to respect the direction of your hair and cut from the crown outwards. ( Exactly the same direction in which you usually brush your hair)

Choose the cutting size based on your hair type:


How long should you brush? Which brush should you use?

Simply what optimizes your time. . When you have some free time, make sure you have your brush with you and start working.

The ideal would be to perform around 4 or 5 sessions of 10 to 15 minutes per day. So, all together, that's about an hour of brushing per day.

What types of brush to use?

There are several types of brushes that you will need to use depending on the thickness of your hair.

After a cut, the ideal is to use a soft brush to work the hair gently.

On the other hand, when you let your hair grow (example wolfing ) you will have to use a hard brush , therefore with harder bristles.

You can therefore start your training with a brush Medium . This will allow you to work on your hair immediately after a visit to the hairdresser, but also to order it even with a certain thickness.


Washing your waves is a very important step.

In fact, it's very effective to leave the shampoo out for the first few weeks to allow you to define your wave pattern.

During your showers and your wash & style we advise you to use the Shower Cap which will allow you to keep your waves in place while rinsing them without leaving any residue.

Your shampoo

You will find an article here to find out what type of shampoo you can use to wash your waves . However, it is important to know that some shampoos may contain synthetic products such as sulfate. Over time, these products can be dangerous for the health of your scalp.

Indeed, used in many household cleaning products (detergent, dishwashing liquid, etc.), sulfates can be very irritating, drying and allergenic . They would also increase the risk of cancer . An American study proved in 1983 that an SLS concentration of just 0.5% could cause skin irritation. In addition, at 10% to 30%, SLS could be corrosive to the skin and cause severe irritation.

So in this article we will present to you a range of shampoo validated by the Team!

How to know if you need to change your shampoo:

Your hair is itchy after washing

Appearance of dandruff

Your scalp is always dry

Your scalp feels “tight” even after washing it

Your hair smells funny after washing it (not like shampoo flavor, but smells like a damp carpet or a wet dog)

If you have dry scalp or dandruff

This is a tricky subject because it's something I personally struggle with with my own hair every day. Dry skin runs in my family and I have to deal with it. The good thing is that thanks to this, I have strategies that can work for you. Remember, it's not just about making waves. This concerns the total health of the hair.

The first thing to do is determine if you have dandruff or dry scalp. They are not identical.

Dandruff can largely be resolved by changing your diet or using over-the-counter dandruff prevention products.

Dry scalp (psoriasis) is an inherited trait that you can never completely cure, but you can lessen its effects on your life if you manage it correctly.

If you have dandruff, large flakes of dandruff in your hair will probably hurt. They can be washed or combed quite easily. The cause of dandruff is usually diet (yes, what you eat).

Eating better and using anti-dandruff products should help you get rid of dandruff.

Moisturize your hair naturally

There are different types of chemicals such as : sulfate, parabens , silicone, paraffin, denatured alcohol. This type of products is very harmful to the hair and scalp.

These products can cause itchy scalp or even hair loss.

When we use chemical or synthetic hair products like creams or shampoos, our bodies absorb chemicals that are dangerous to our health. Some of these products are carcinogenic and cause various cancers. This is why you need to favor natural products.

You can find the full article on this subject here.

How to eliminate split ends?

If your waves are not perfectly connected you are probably dealing with split ends. Forks are inconsistencies in your waves, for example a split wave. These can be removed with time and brushing and backcombing techniques. You can find the full article on this subject here.

To avoid

Wave kits are dangerous for hair. The only thing they do is chemically relax your hair so the waves appear faster than if you took the time to brush and use the right natural products over a longer period of time.

Truth be told, the long-term effects of using these chemicals on the scalp are not known, but many people believe that it can lead to permanent hair damage, hair loss, scalp burns. hair and permanent skin damage.

Wave kits work…but are you willing to pay the price? Throw these kits in the trash and equip yourself with a du-rag, a brush, your pomade and determination to do it right!

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